The systems of possesives in "Amadís de Gaula": a reflection of a linguistic change




Possessives, Amadís de Gaula, Linguistic change, Variation, Article, Preposition, Postposition, Order of components of the nominal phrase


In this paper I propose to observe an ongoing linguistic change, analyzing the similarities and differences between the systems of possessives in the first and fourth books of Amadís de Gaula. I will focus on the frequencies of use of different structures, then I will consider to what extent the variants are controlled in both books. Throughout my article, I will try to evaluate the weight of Rodríguez de Montalvo’s influence on the system of possessives in the first book, comparing it to other 14th century texts. I will also examine the influence of the idiolect of the primitive Amadís and of the Discursive Traditions of the chivalry novels in the system of possessives in the fourth book. Thus, my objective is to provide elements that allow a better understanding, on the one hand, of the extent to which the articulated possessives of the first book are vestiges of the 14th century version or intentional archaisms from Rodríguez de Montalvo and, on the other hand, of the extent to which he transforms his own idiolect to imitate the language of the primitive Amadís and/or other works of the chivalric tradition.


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How to Cite

Labrousse, M. (2021). The systems of possesives in "Amadís de Gaula": a reflection of a linguistic change. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (16), 35–66.