Talking to think: the advance of verbs of cause in Spanish




Verbs of cause, Nominalization, Written language, Predicativity, Inner speach


The main goal of this work is to contribute to the knowledge of the origin and development of a specific type of verbs that express cause-effect relationships and other relationships implicitly or associatively related to them. The data examined show that the development of these verbs is closely linked to the presence of nouns of a predicative nature, especially deverbal or deadjectival nominalizations. This work examines the expressive mechanisms that have allowed the growth of this peculiar type of verbs, closely linked to written language. The comparison with some data from the psychology of language shows that the type of language generated by nominalizations and verbs of cause displays significant coincidences with the psychological phenomenon of inner speech. These similarities suggest that the syntax of verbs of cause is based on a functional displacement of language from the domain of dialogue, communication, and interaction between speakers to the field of a new monologistic language that serves as a basis for thought and reflection. 


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How to Cite

Elvira González, J. (2023). Talking to think: the advance of verbs of cause in Spanish. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (18), 135–161.