The diachronic pathways of the palatal lateral in the history of Spanish: chronological, comparative, and dialectal evidence toward a new proposal




Evolution, Change, Old Spanish, Palatal lateral, Delateralization


This article focuses on the diachronic pathways of the palatal lateral consonant /ʎ/ in the history of Spanish, in particular that which evolved from Latin sources /-lj-, -k’l-, -g’l-/. Specifically, it explores the theoretical accounts that have been proposed by many language historians and presents arguments against a direct evolution from /ʎ/ to a sibilant fricative /ʒ/ in Old Spanish, which is proposed in the vast majority of manuals of historical linguistics and textbooks on the history of Spanish. Relying upon chronological, comparative, and dialectal evidence, it argues that the palatal lateral resulting from /-lj-, -k'l-, -g'l-/ followed an evolution very similar to that of /ʎ/ resulting from the Latin sources /pl-, kl-, fl-, -l:-/, with a loss of laterality and the development of a central palatal segment that crucially preceded the change toward a sibilant fricative /ʒ/ in Old Spanish, while still inaintaining a phonological contrast with the coetaneous palatal obstruent /ɟ/.


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How to Cite

Zampaulo, A. (2013). The diachronic pathways of the palatal lateral in the history of Spanish: chronological, comparative, and dialectal evidence toward a new proposal. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (8), 149–174.