The Imperative and the expression of orders in Spanish (19th and 20th centuries)




The aim of this paper is to analyze different syntactic constructions which presumably express orders. We've selected constructions with imperative and subjunctive verbs, as well as other formally heterogeneous constructions, belonging to nineteenth and twentieth century Mexican Spanish. The present work contains syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis of constructions based on speech acts theory. We want to determine, specifically, whether the discursive context in which the sentences appear changes the interpretation, whether the imperative, in alternating with other structures, involves the expression of an order, and whether there exists any diachronic change.


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How to Cite

Hernández Díaz, A. (2013). The Imperative and the expression of orders in Spanish (19th and 20th centuries). Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (8), 93–112.