Is reanalysis a necessary mechanism of grammaticalization? A proposal from the diachrony of the indirect object in Spanish




Reanalysis, Grammaticalization, Historical depht, Bridge context, gradualness of language change, Indirect object doubling, Object agreement marker


The paper examines the complex theoretical relationship between the concepts of reanalysis and grammaticalization in the recent specialized literature on language change. The paper shows that the concept of 'historical depth' is necessary in order to enlighten the relationship. That concept is new onto the scenario of grammaticalizatoin and reanalysis. The paper establishes a hierarchical relationship between grammaticalization and reanalysis: the first one is the major and general change and the second one is a mechanism, possibly, the main mechanism of grammaticalization. Grammaticalization and reanalysis are independent phenomena, but if one analyzes any change which have substantial historical depth, one finds that always one or various reanalysis intervene in the grammaticalization process. The hypothesis is the foliowing: the greater historical depth of grammaticalization, the greater the possibilities of one or more intervening reanalysis. The empirical evidence on which the hypothesis is based on are two syntactic-semantic changes in Spanish: indirecta object doubling and the loss of number agreement of the dative clitic. The dative clitic was reanalyzed as an object agreement marker, but that reanalysis came later than the grammaticalization and generalization of indirect object doubling took place.


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How to Cite

Company Company, C. (2010). Is reanalysis a necessary mechanism of grammaticalization? A proposal from the diachrony of the indirect object in Spanish. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (5), 35–66.