Is there a "border" between "Galician" and "Asturian"?




Historical sociolinguistics, Dialectology, Isoglosses, Accomodation


It is traditionally thought that Galician and Asturian are distinct entities separated by a boundary. Even the most outstanding dialectologists (Menéndez Pidal, Catalán, Rodríguez-Castellano, Zamora Vicente, etc.) have attempted to establish the line of this boundary, despite that fact that at least since the publication of the Atlas Linguistique de la France (1902-1910) it as heen known that dialectal boundaries are a mirage which vanish as soon as they are examined in sufficient detail. As part of a broader study of the relationship between the varieties spoken in the northern half of the Peninsula, on the one hand, and administrative boundaries, on the other, this article examines the movement of the isoglosses that run approximately north-south in Western Asturias and Eastern Galicia, from the standpoint of accommodation theory.


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How to Cite

Penny, R. (2009). Is there a "border" between "Galician" and "Asturian"?. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (4), 47–61.