The direct object phrase in preverbal position with a common nominal head in the history of Spanish


  • Sergio Bogard El Colegio de México



Constituent order, Topical direct object, Clitic doubling, Definite, indefinite, generic and referential meanings


As is well known, throughout its history Spanish has been characterized as a VO language, while the inverse order OV is considered a totally marginal phenomenon, associated with a patient/theme whose communicative value is given greater importance than that of the agent. This paper offers an account of the structural and referential evolution of the practice of placing the direct object before the verb. Drawing on XIIIth century data for Peninsular Spanish, and on XVIth, XIXth and XXth century data for Peninsular and Mexican Spanish, I will demonstrate that the marginality o f the OV order has increased over the years. I will also point out that the practice of placing a direct object before the verb has shown a strong tendency to formalize highly individualised referents, and in particular definite ones, in a way that coincides with the progressive rise in the duplication of the direct object in the verb by means of a co-referential clitic. I will finally show that, in the XXth century, the doubling structure has extended to preverbal direct objects with indefinite reference, with the result that the doubling of these direct objects no longer obeys the rule of definiteness but rather that of being referential.


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How to Cite

Bogard, S. (2009). The direct object phrase in preverbal position with a common nominal head in the history of Spanish. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (4), 3–27.