A constructional account of the history of the noun "señal" in Spanish





Señal, Nominal syntax, Construction Grammar, Corpus linguistics, History of Spanish


In this paper I offer a detailed description of the uses and semantics of the Spanish noun señal 'signal' in the history of Spanish. On the basis of some 8000 cases extracted from the Corpus del Nuevo Diccionario Histórico del Español, I describe the use of señal in five syntactic functions: absolute construction, subject, predicate, direct object and prepositional object. These syntactic functions are further characterized in terms of five additional variables: complement, determiner, modofier, identification and number. The aim is to offer an overview of the evolution of the use of señal from medieval to present-day Spanish. The typical uses of señal in the five functions are described with special emphasis on the historical variation and the relationship between form and meaning. By means of a variability-based neighbor clustering analysis (Gries & Hilper 2008, 2012) the uses of señal are divided into four periods. The detailed analysis of the relationship between the variables shows the following changes and diachronic tendencies: i) the birth and establishment of the absolute construction involving señal, ii) the extension of the compound preposition en señal de, iii) the appearance of compound predicates such as dar señal ‘give signal’, hacer señal 'make signal' as well as fixed expressions such as con pelos y señales 'with hairs and sign(al)s', and nominal compounds, such as señal de tráfico 'traffic signs', señal de amor 'sign of love', la señal de la cruz 'the sign of the cross'. Overall, there is a reduction of the usage frequency of señal and a concentration of its use to a smaller number of fixed expressions.


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How to Cite

Español, A. (2020). A constructional account of the history of the noun "señal" in Spanish. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (15), 43–106. https://doi.org/10.54166/rhle.2020.15.02