The negative construction "preposition + noun + alguno/a" in preverbal position




Negation, Alguno/a, Jespersen’s cycle


The negative prepositional constructions formed with alguno/a posponed to a noun in a preverbal position are analyzed in this paper using the data provided by the corpus CDH. It can be claimed that this structure does not form part of isolated or idiosyncratic uses, but represents a construction of Spanish, as is demonstrated by the number of possible prepositions (a, bajo, de, en, por) as well as the large number of nouns with which such prepositional uses can be combined. The different degrees of grammaticalization in the constructions are then distinguished due to the constructional combination. The origin of the construction is motivated by the general tendency of the languages posed by the Jespersen’s cycle, but this paper argues that the analogical influence of the constructions with ninguno/a has also influenced it.


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How to Cite

Español, J. L. (2020). The negative construction "preposition + noun + alguno/a" in preverbal position. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (15), 3–41.