Grammaticalization and Token Frequency: The Paradoxical Noun Phrases with Article + Possessive in Medieval Spanish


  • Concepción Company Company Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


grammaticalization, token frequency, article, possessive, referential accessibility, topic, rhetorical synonymy


   This article raises and studies a theoretical problem within the framework of grammaticalization through the syntactic and semantic analysis of NPs introduced by the definite article + possessive in medieval Spanish. The study argues that the increase in token frequency and the release of distributional, grammatical and contextual restrictions are indispensable requirements for the full grammaticalization of a form. The analysis shows that the aforementioned NPs never generalize because they never lost their high degree of semantic and pragmatic specialization and were never exposed to less restricted or marked contexts. Throughout medieval Spanish they always existed as a specialized construction showing the total referential accessibility of the possessor and the inherent link he establishes with the possessed, which is introduced through a double determination.


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How to Cite

Company Company, C. (2006). Grammaticalization and Token Frequency: The Paradoxical Noun Phrases with Article + Possessive in Medieval Spanish. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (1), 5–30. Retrieved from