"Seseo" in the middle of the Iberian Peninsula?





Seseo, Ceceo, Sibilants indistinctness, Spelling, Letters, 16th-18th centuries, Toledo, Madrid


The chronology of dental and alveolar sibilants neutralization is discussed in the Spanish language historical research. As for the geographical field, it is considered that, within the Castilian language domain, this merger became general just in the southern area of the Iberian Peninsula, where it gave rise to the so-called seseo and ceceo phenomena. In Castile, the sporadic nature of this neutralization is often considered irrelevant from the phonetic viewpoint. However, it is surprising to find quite a lot of evidence of s instead of c/ç/z and vice versa (bautisado, ce llama) in Madrid and Toledo, between the 16th and 18th centuries, in personal letters and notes often written by scarcely literate people, which could point to a nonconsolidated seseo phenomenon in the middle of the peninsula. In this paper, the files at la Inclusa (the Foundlings Orphanage in Madrid) are especially considered; they show usage in the lower sociolects, which are seldom represented in texts.


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How to Cite

esp, D. ., & esp, P. (2015). "Seseo" in the middle of the Iberian Peninsula?. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (10), 201–207. https://doi.org/10.54166/rhle.2015.10.07