Creation of grammar: a cognitive-typological approach




Habere tenere diachrony, Spanish/Portuguese, Typology, Creation of grammar, Creation of lexicon


This paper offers a review of the long history of HABERE, particularly in Spanish, with some mention of Portuguese. Some of the chapters of this evolution present a close relationship with TENERE, with whom it shares part of its meaning, both as a possession verb and later as an auxiliary. Nowadays its practically only function (together with that of auxiliary) as a verb of existence is briefly referred to. Towards the end, this diachrony is interpreted in relation to typology (particularly the one proposed by E. Coseriu), and to certain cognitive views emphasizing the usefulness of considering the concepts of synthesis and analysis to observe both type and nature of change. Finally, with examples, the relationship of all these processes with the strategies of natural languages for "creating grammar" and "creating lexicon" is considered.


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How to Cite

Elizaincín, A. (2021). Creation of grammar: a cognitive-typological approach. Revista De Historia De La Lengua Española, (16), 175–192.