Rules for Editing and Submission of Manuscripts

The Asociación de Historia de la Lengua Española promotes the electronic publication of the Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española (RHLE) in open access under the terms of a licence of use and distribution Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

The Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española, in its miscellaneous issues, publishes articles in different fields of historical linguistics (history of the Spanish language, historical grammar, history of linguistics, linguistic historiography or other related areas considered from a diachronic perspective), as well as status quaestionis, reviews and bibliographical notes.

1. All contributions submitted to the journal (articles, reviews, notes, etc.) must be unpublished, must not have been published in proceedings as communications or papers at any congress or public scientific meeting, and must not have been submitted for publication in another journal.

2. The language of the articles published in RHLE is Spanish, although contributions in other languages are accepted, subject to the approval of the Editorial Board.

3. Authors of original research articles must present an accurate description of the work carried out, as well as an objective analysis of its importance. The underlying data must be accurately represented.

4. Original articles should not exceed 40 pages in length, notes 15 pages, and reviews 8 pages. This length includes footnotes and bibliography. In exceptional and duly justified cases, the Editorial Board may accept the publication of papers exceeding these limits.

5. Texts must be in DIN-A4 format (21 cm. wide x 29.7 cm. long). The body of the paper should be in Times New Roman 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing; examples, quotations and notes should be in ten-point font, 1 line spacing. All page margins should be 2.54 cm. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and calls for papers should be indicated by numbers without brackets, before the punctuation marks. All pages of the work shall be numbered consecutively. The text must be fully justified.

6. The title of the paper will appear at the beginning, aligned to the right and in bold type and, in a separate paragraph, with the same layout, but in italics and without bold type, its translation into English. Underneath, the name of the author(s) shall be included, in small capitals and aligned to the right, and below the name, single-spaced and also aligned to the right, the name of the institution of the author(s) in italics. The ORCID code, if available, should be indicated below the name. Next, two abstracts in Spanish and English (of a maximum of 250 words) and up to 5 keywords in both languages should be included. Summary and abstract, together with keywords and key words, should be placed before the beginning of the article and should be in 11 point size, with 1 line spacing. Sources of funding, if any, should be included in a footnote with an asterisk (*) at the end of the title in Spanish.

7. The text may be divided into numbered paragraphs. These paragraphs may or may not have headings, but the presence or absence of headings must be constant in paragraphs at the same level. Paragraphs at the first level (1.) should be headed in capital letters, those at the second level (1.1.) in small capitals, those at the third level (1.1.1.) in italics. The use of deeper levels is not recommended. In all cases, headings should be separated by a blank space before and after the heading. However, no spaces should be left between paragraphs (except for quotations, see point 9). The beginning of each paragraph and of footnotes should be indented by 1 cm.

8. Short bibliographical quotations (less than 3 lines) in the text or in the notes should always be placed in quotation marks ("") and the author's surname and year of publication should be indicated in brackets; if necessary, the page or pages in question should be added. In this case, the year should be followed by a colon and, if necessary, the page information. No comma should be placed between author and year of publication. For example:

“Como ya indicó Lapesa (1980: 231), la expresividad en Berceo...”;

“No había la separación actual entre las incongruencias del habla y el rigor de la escritura" (Lapesa 1980: 214);

“Es cuestión compleja la relación entre oralidad y escritura en los primeros textos medievales..." (cf. Lapesa 1980: 211-219). Note the indication cf. not cfr.The following variants may occur: cf. Lapesa 1980: passim; cf. Lapesa 1980: 211 ff.

9. Quotations of more than three lines should be made in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks, with a blank space before and after, indented 1 cm. and in round letters. The main inverted commas are round high inverted commas (“...”).

10. The examples must be numbered consecutively and blocks of examples may be grouped together, distinguishing them in each block by means of letters. The font size should be ten points, the line spacing should be 1 cm, and they should be indented on the left by 1 cm. If the examples are taken from database texts, the complete source and the corpus used must be indicated in brackets at the end. These texts should not be referenced at the end, only the corpus used. Examples:

(1)   a. […] no pesa mas que media dragma, pero son assaz pesadas segund su quantidat. (Alfonso X, Lapidario, 1250c, CORDE).

        b. […] trobo ocasion qu'el hauje menester que le enprestasen moneda, et tomo en prestamo asaz. (Juan Fernández de Heredia, Traducción de Vidas paralelas de Plutarco, 1379-1384, CORDE).

(2)   [...] e mostró ella allí a su suegro los peños quel él diera por el cabrito. (GEI, c1275, 407).

(3)   CARVALLO. s. m. Especie de roble mas pequeño y aspero de hojas, llamado assi en la Provincias Septentrionales de España, y especialmente en Galicia. Lat. Robur, is. (DA 1729: s.v.).

11. No underlining, capitalisation or any other graphic alteration for the purpose of emphasis should be used. Only bold type for highlighting text is permitted.

12. The long dash should always be used - for indents, bullets, etc. To join compound words or numerical series, the short hyphen - should be used.

13. Latin etymologies and centuries should be in small capitals; acronyms should be in capitals.

14. Maps, graphs, tables and figures must be inserted in the text, together with their electronic version. They must be numbered consecutively. They shall be preceded by the indication Table/Figure, depending on the type of image, and the corresponding number, all in small capitals, followed by a title in italics summarising the information they provide, in a separate paragraph. Both this information and the image should be centred.

15. Footnotes should be limited to what is essential and should be informative or explanatory, not bibliographical.

16. The bibliography should appear at the end of the work, in Times New Roman 11, 1 line spacing, indented 1 cm on the first line, and should include only the works cited in the text or in the notes. No blank paragraphs should be left between references. The author's surname and first name must be repeated whenever there are references of the same authorship (not replaced by a dash). This section will be headed by the corresponding headings: CORPUS / BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES in small caps, and will be arranged as follows:

- Book entries will have the following structure: surname(s), full first name (in small caps), and year of publication (in brackets). If there are several publications in the same year, they will be distinguished by letters in alphabetical order added to the year of publication. Then, after a colon, the title of the book in italics, the city, and after a colon the publisher. Any edition subsequent to the first shall be indicated by the corresponding number. A modern edition of an older text shall add the year of initial publication in square brackets.

Lapesa, Rafael (1980): Historia de la lengua española, Madrid: Gredos, 8ª ed.

Real Academia Española (1984 [1771]): Gramática de la lengua castellana, Madrid: Espasa Calpe.

Espinosa Elorza, Rosa Mª y Luis Antonio Santos Domínguez (1996): Manual de semántica histórica, Madrid: Síntesis.

- In the case of an article, surname(s), full first name(s) (in small caps), year of publication in brackets, after a colon, title of the article in round and in quotation marks, name of the journal in italics, number (volume) and initial and final pages. For example:

Morreale, Margherita (1975): “Para la transcripción de textos medievales: el problema llamado de la unión y separación de las palabras”, Romanica, 8, 49-74.

Sánchez Prieto Borja, Pedro y Vázquez Balonga, Delfina (2018): “Toledo frente a Madrid en la conformación del español moderno: el sistema pronominal átono”, Revista de Filología Española, 98, 185-215.

- In the case of a work published in a collective volume: surname(s), first name(s) (in small caps), year of publication (in brackets), after a colon, title in round and in quotation marks, name of the editor(s) with the indication (ed.) and preceded by the preposition en, title of the collective volume in italics, volume number, city and publisher and initial and final pages of the work. For example:

Orduna, Germán (1999): “La textualidad oral del discurso narrativo en España e Hispanoamérica (ss. XIV-XVII)”, en Milagros Aleza (ed.), Estudios de historia de la lengua española en América y España, Valencia: Universitat de València, 9-26.

Wanner, Dieter (1991): The Tobler-Mussafia Law in Old Spanish”, en Héctor Campos y Fernando Martínez-Gil (eds.), Current studies in Spanish Linguistics, Washington: Georgetown University Press, 313-378.

Lapesa, Rafael (1992): “La interpolación caribeña del sujeto en las oraciones interrogativas”, en Manuel Ariza et al. (eds.), Actas del II Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española, vol. I, Madrid: Pabellón de España, 545-553 (ahora en Rafael Lapesa (1996): El español moderno y contemporáneo. Estudios lingüísticos, Barcelona: Crítica, 305-316).

- In the body of the text, corpora and dictionaries should be given in unabbreviated form the first time they appear with a citation key in brackets (abbreviation or acronym). In subsequent citations, the acronym should be used. All cited corpora and dictionaries should appear in the final list of bibliographical references and should be arranged in the following way, sorted by citation key:

[CORDE] Real Academia Española: Corpus diacrónico del español. Disponible en: Fecha de consulta: enero de 2020.

[CODEA+2015] GITHE (Grupo de Investigación Textos para la Historia del Español): Corpus de documentos españoles anteriores a 1800. Disponible en: Fecha de consulta: enero de 2020.

[DECH] Corominas, Joan y José Antonio Pascual (1980-1991): Diccionario Crítico Etimológico Castellano e Hispánico, Madrid: Gredos.

[Tesoro] Covarrubias, Sebastián de (1611): Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española, Madrid: Luis Sánchez.

- In the case of handling old texts not extracted from data banks, these must have a citation key, whose reference will be detailed in the bibliographical references section as follows:

[GE1] Alfonso X (c1275): General Estoria. Primera parte, ed. por Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja. Madrid: Fundación José Antonio de Castro, 2001.

- If the author deems it appropriate, primary sources (dictionaries, corpora, texts, etc.) may be separated and indicated in a separate series in the secondary bibliography.

17. The papers received will be evaluated by two blind peers. If there are discrepancies, a third report will be requested. In the light of the reports received, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to publish the work submitted. In any case, the original that does not conform to the typographical standards indicated above will be returned to the author(s) for adaptation.

18. Within a maximum period of two months from receipt of the original, the author will receive a decision on whether or not it has been accepted.

19. In the event that modifications have been suggested for publication, the author must upload the definitive version on the Journal's platform within a maximum period of one month after notification.

20. In proofreading, no significant amendments or additions may be made, and must be limited to the correction of errata. However, there may be duly justified exceptions.

21. Submission of an article implies full acceptance of these rules.

The journal can be contacted at the following address: