Focus and scope

Focus and scope

The Revista de Historia de la Lengua Española (RHLE) is a free, blind peer-reviewed digital journal specialising in academic research on historical Linguistics, Historiography and the History of the Spanish language and to publicize advances in this field. It also publishes reviews that critically assess new publications in the above fields.

The RHLE accepts unpublished and original contributions from national and foreign researchers, members or non-members of the AHLE, in any branch of this studies. The language of the RFE is Spanish. Articles in other languages may be accepted with the approval of the Editorial Board.

This journal publishes also monographic volumes (under commision) that feature research papers devoted to the historical study of Spanish language.

The journal aims to be a forum for open and respectful discussion of any of the various current theoretical and methodological approaches to research in these fields, while at the same time promoting new research paths that respond to the demands of the development of these disciplines.